Advanpure GmbH, a specialist in the field of exhaust gas aftertreatment, receives the General Type Approval (ABE) for its SCR retrofit systems from the German Federal Motor Transport Authority (KBA). The ABE covers retrofit systems for 48 vehicle models of the BMW Group. These include the following 3.0l models: 3 Series, 5 Series, 6 Series, 7 Series, X5 and X6. A complete overview can be found on the KBA website.
NOx reduction by over 86%
A 3.0l BMW X5 (E70) was used for homologation. With the retrofitted SCR system, NOx emissions were reduced by over 86% from 1450mg/km to 190 mg/km, well below the required limit of 270mg/km. At the same time, fuel consumption has not increased.
No driving bans with Advanpure SCR retrofit system
Since the SCR system must be adapted for each vehicle, a retrofit system will initially only be available for this type of vehicle. Series production will begin in early 2022. If there is sufficient demand, the system will be adapted for other models in the list of uses.
Vehicles retrofitted Advanpure SCR systems are no longer affected by diesel driving bansand are among the cleanest EURO 5 diesels on the road. The pollutant emissions are below those of many EURO 6 diesels.
Further type approvals are expected in 2022
Another type approval for further BMW diesel vehicles with 2.0l engines is expected by the end of the year. More type approval applications for other vehicle families, also from other manufacturers, are in preparation.